1. About CURP
2. Installation
3. Tutorials
3.1. General instructions
3.2. Atomic stress tensor analysis
3.3. Energy flow analysis
3.4. Heat current analysis
4. Reference
5. How to participate ?
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3.1. General instructions
3.1.1. CURP I/O
3.1.2. File name specification in the configuration files
3.1.3. Compatibility with external MD programs
3.1.4. Editing Configuration files
3.1.5. Getting online help
3.2. Atomic stress tensor analysis
3.2.1. Obtaining the MD trajectory
3.2.2. Stress tensor calculation
3.2.3. Analysis of stress tensor
3.3. Energy flow analysis
3.3.1. Preparing trajectories
3.3.2. Calculating interresidue energy flow
3.3.3. Calculating G
3.4. Heat current analysis
3.4.1. Preparing trajectories
3.4.2. Calculating interresidue heat current
3.4.3. Calculating the time-integral of interresidue heat current